Welcome! This website is dedicated to the soon-to-be web comic called Ghost Revolution as well as the person website of Mikia Harris. The web comic is set to be released in late January-early February. After release, each chapter will be uploaded every other month but will gradually shift to every month. The first few chapters will be uploaded onto multiple comic hosting platforms as well. More info on the comic will be added after January 1st, 2024.
Webtoons Tapas Twitch PatreonComing soon...
This is where you will find a list of things to be done, art-wise or website-wise.
I would like to make a disclaimer that the comic Ghost Revolution is a personal project. The comic will contain violence and adult themes. The comic is intended for MATURE audiences only. If the content of this comic isn't to your liking, please do not read. A proper warning will be added once the comic pages start flowing in.